In September 2022, the Agriculture Ministers reaffirmed their commitment, first agreed in July 2022, for government to work collaboratively with industry to advance work on a national approach to Australia’s livestock traceability systems.
This includes Ministers’ collective agreement to introducing a national mandatory individual electronic identification (eID) system for sheep and goats, working towards 1 January 2025.
To undertake this work the National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) established a new government-industry Sheep and Goat Traceability Task Force (SGTTF). Governments and industry are working together towards a mandatory national traceability system using eID for sheep and goats by 1 January 2025.
Membership of the taskforce is:
independent Chairperson appointed by the NBC (Mr Ron Cullen)
representatives from New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and the Commonwealth (representing the other jurisdictions)
a representative of SAFEMEAT
representatives from peak councils for sheep, wool, goats, beef and/or dairy cattle industries,
representatives of retailers, processors and smallgoods.
Resources to support the transition to National Traceability
You can also view on the Department’s website.