Sheep Producers Australia Limited was established in November 2017 as the national peak body representing sheep producers in Australia, and the successor to the Sheepmeat Council of Australia Inc. As an organisation with national influence, Sheep Producers Australia looks beyond state borders and jurisdictions and advocates for issues that are relevant to producers beyond individual regions or enterprises.
The Policy Council is the engine room of Sheep Producers Australia and is comprised of national representatives of the Australian sheep industry selected through a skills-based appointment. The Policy Council comprises seven State Farming Organisation (SFO) representatives and five independent representatives and enables producer input into the development of proactive industry policy to benefit the Australian sheep industry.
The Policy Council develops and recommends policy positions to the Sheep Producers Australia Board.
The Sheep Producers Australia Board is a skills-based Board providing governance, financial and risk oversight to ensure the organisation provides effective strategic leadership for Australia’s sheep industry. The Board comprises a minimum of four and maximum of seven member-elected directors and up to two Board-appointed members selected through a skills-based appointment.