The Sheep and Goat Traceability Task Force (SGTTF) is a collaboration of all states and territories and sheep and goat peak industry representative bodies, working together to oversee the implementation of mandatory individual NLIS electronic identification in sheep and goats.
The SGTTF has created resources and collated existing information to assist producers and industry understand
why there is need to move to individual NLIS electronic identification (eID) as national industries
what they need to do according to their enterprise type and location
when they are required to do it
how to meet those obligations: from choosing and ordering the correct NLIS eID, preparing stock for transport, receiving stock onto the property and recording stock movements on the NLIS database.
To find the resources or support you require:
Select the state or territory that you operate in, or your industry, to access information specific to that choice. While the system is being nationally implemented, there may be slight differences between locations in the implementation timelines and legislation.
All states and territories require sheep and goats born on or from 1 January 2025 to be identified with an individual NLIS electronic identifier before leaving the property of birth.